What is No Kidding! ?

No Kidding! is an all-volunteer, non-profit social club for adult couples and singles who, for whatever reason, have never had children.  It is not a business or a dating service.  We rely on all of our members to volunteer some of their time to organize our activities.Since its inception in 1984 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, chapters have been established all over the world.

Who are your members?

Members in the various No Kidding! chapters range in age from 18 to 60's and include couples, singles, men, and women.Most members of No Kidding! have thought long and hard about parenthood.  Many have concluded (for various reasons) that it really wasn't right for them.Similarly, some No Kidding! members adore children, while others don't care much for children at all.  You will probably meet some from each extreme (and everywhere in between!) at chapter events.

Who can Join?

Membership is open to any adult who has never parented -- regardless of gender, age, color, race, ethnicity, cultural or linguistic background, marital, social or economic status, political, sexual or religious orientation, or physical or mental ability.
If a member has a partner who has parented (i.e. has kids of any age), the partner may attend events as a guest of the member.  The partner may not attend events without the member, and must pay a function fee (just like all other guests and non-members).

Is there a membership fee to join No Kidding?

There is no membership fee to join the BuxMont Chapter.  Events and activates are “pay as you go”.  Each individual is responsible for paying for his or her meals and entertainment.  A $1 per person activity fee is added to the cost of some activities to cover the cost  of  web administration, paper supplies and miscellaneous supplies associated with promoting and producing the group's activities.

My spouse has a child from a previous marriage.  Can s/he still attend No Kidding Events with me?

Yes.  If someone who has never had children has a partner who has had children, the no-parent can join No Kidding while their partner (the one with kids) can come as their guest.

My kids are grown and out of the house.  I’m divorced and my ex-husband/wife has custody. Am I “child free”?

Unfortunately, no. “Child free” means that you are not, and have never been, the parent of a child.  This is one rule that we strictly enforce.

Is No Kidding a Singles Group?

While some of our members are single, No Kidding is not a singles group.  Membership in No Kidding is open to any adult who has never parented, regardless of marital status.

What type of events does No Kidding offer?

No Kidding sponsors a wide variety of events. Past events held by neighboring chapters have included wine tastings, dinners, garden tours, bike rides, picnics, cocktail parties, whale watches, museum tours and many more.   We welcome new ideas and are open to almost anything except an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese!

When is the next BuxMont No Kidding event?

Check the Events page for a complete schedule then take a minute to mark all the dates in your calendar.  We want to see you often!

How can I sign up to get announcements about upcoming events?

We would love to add you to our membership list...remember there is no cost to join BuxMont No Kidding.  Send an email and let us know you'd like to be part of the group.  All we need is your first and last names and email address.  BuxMont No Kidding respects the privacy of members as well as visitors to the website.  No Kidding makes every effort to protect and use information responsibly and appropriately.  Information about members is collected solely for the purpose of providing those interested with information about events and activities sponsored by the Chapter.  The information is only made available on an as-needed basis to those actively involved in the planning process.  The information is not shared with any other organization or person for any other reason.

You have a No Kidding event scheduled along with a lunch or dinner.  What if I only want to go to the event or the meal?  Can I do that?

Yes, we would love to have you join us at any time. Be certain that the event coordinator knows what you are planning to do so they can make the appropriate arrangements/reservations.   There may be a rare occasion when this is not possible the the event coordinator will let you know.

If I have RSVP'd to a No Kidding event and my plans change so that I can no longer attend, do I need to tell anyone

If you have RSVP'd that you are attending an event and your plans change, it is very important that you let the event coordinator know before the event (via email or phone) that you are unable to attend.  Emergencies come up and may prevent your attending an event on a rare occasion, but please make an effort  to attend or give the event coordinator sufficient notice of your change in plans as a courtesy to other members of the group and the  facilities that host our events. Knowing whether to expect you affects other members in attendance because in many instances we will wait for you to arrive before starting the activity.  In other cases, your absence may affect the cost of the event because we sometimes get discounted rates for a certain size group.  It is important that we provide accurate information to the facilities that host us so we do not take up space we will not use and reduce their revenue.  Our reputation and relationship with area facilities are both important  so that we can continue to offer a wide variety of future events.

How can I get directions to a No Kidding event or find out about possible carpooling?

Most of the events on our website include links to a facility website that offers directions and other information.  More detailed information is sent to those on our member list using Evites.  If an event is held at a private home, the event coordinator will email all those who RSVP'd  YES with directions prior to the event.  Carpooling can also be arranged through the Evite process.

How do I find the No Kidding group when I arrive at the event?

The best way to identify us when you arrive at the event will depend on where the event is held.  The event coordinator will send you details about the event for which you have RSVP'd.  Often we are the only group at the facility so you just need to mention the the person at the entrance that you are meeting  a large group of people.  Reservation are generally held under the event coordinator's name or No Kidding.  We may wear name tags at the discretion of the event coordinator.  If all else fails, look for the group of adults having lots of fun with no screaming children nearby!!

How do you handle paying for meals when eating at a restaurant during a No Kidding event?

We ask each person to pay for what they ordered (food and drink) and add 25% to the total to cover tax and tip.  That way, everyone pays for what he or she has enjoyed and no one is unfairly burdened.  It is simple and seems to work well.  Usually the event coordinator or someone else will have a calculator (multiply your total by 1.25).  Please bring CASH to cover your charges.

I have an idea for an event.  How can I get No Kidding to sponsor my event?

We are open to almost all event ideas.  As an all-volunteer organization, the best way to ensure that an event happens is to offer to be the event coordinator.

Why don't you plan more No Kidding events near me?

We make an effort to offer activities throughout the region to encourage wide participation.  Again, the best way to ensure that there are more events near you is to offer to coordinate at a location of your choice.

How do I get a list of members' email addresses and phone numbers?

We are unable to provide personal information such as email addresses and phone numbers of our members.  As stated in our privacy policy, we are committed to the protection of the privacy of our members.  Information about members is collected solely for the purpose of providing those interested with information about events and activities sponsored by the Chapter.  The information is only made available on an as-needed basis to those actively involved in the planning process for events.  The information is not shared with any other organization or person for any other purpose.  If  you meet someone at an event with whom you would like to stay in touch, please ask that person how best to reach them.