I have an idea for an event?  What exactly is an event coordinator?

No Kidding! is an all-volunteer, non-profit social club for adult couples and singles who, for whatever reason, have never had children.  It is not a business or a dating service.  We rely on all of our members to volunteer some of their time to organize our activities.
An event coordinator  takes complete responsibility for the planning and implementation of an event.  It is a big job but others will help and the group can only be successful with the support and commitment of No Kidding members.

What are the first steps in planning an event for No Kidding?

First, determine the best time of year for your event.  Some events are weather dependent and others are only offered certain times of year.   This information  will help best fit your event in the annual calendar.

Next you'll need to know how large a group the facility can accommodate.   We can get from 10-40 people at an event and we would prefer not to have to turn people away.   Do you need to limit the number of participants or can the facility be flexible with expected attendance: people who RSVP at the last minute and those who do RSVP but do not attend.

What are the costs associated with hosting an event?


No Kidding! has no membership dues so there are no funds to use for an up-front deposit.  Please do NOT sign anything obligating the No Kidding group to a financial expenditure.

Additional facility considerations:

Is there a place for attendees to gather as they arrive to fill out name badges and sign in?  How will you set up the room?  Will everyone be seated together?  After some initial telephone calls, it is best to visit the site, see the facility, and decide how you want to set things up.

Additional event details:

It is generally best to have an opportunity for people to interact (generally a meal) before a performance or activity.  As a group of 10-40 people, it takes some effort to keep the group to the time schedule.  We enjoy one anothers company and can get lost in conversation so a simple lunch can last a few hours.  Discuss with the facility how long they recommend for group dining.

Many facilities will require a limited menu for larger size groups.  A limited menu is one where you pick a few items in advance rather than offer a full menu.  If you are doing this, please keep in mind that a number of our members are vegetarians and plan a meal choice for them too.

Even after confirming the details with the facility, it is best to reconfirm a few days before the actual event.   When you contact the facility, provide them with updated expected attendance and reconfirm the schedule for the day.

If the event involves traveling between two locations, you will want to prepare and copy directions from the first location to the second location to distribute to event attendees.  You may also want to include this information in the event confirmation you send to those who RSVP : YES.

Once an event is scheduled and I have completed the planning process, how do I promote the event to other No Kidding members?  What do I need to do to get the event listed on the No Kidding website?

Once you have the event plans sorted out, email Ellen Fenstad with the following details for posting to the BuxMont chapter website:  date, time(s), location(s), facility address(es) and phone number(s), estimated costs to participate, and a website link for the facility if available.  On behalf of event coordinators, Ellen Fenstad will send out event announcements and reminders on a monthly basis.  Once the email has been sent containing your event, you will be provided with an electronic list of No Kidding members so that you can track RSVPs.  In addition, as an event coordinator, you will need to send an event confirmation with final details to those who signed up for the event.  The event confirmation will confirm where and when to meet, expected costs and other information people who are attending will need to know.  It is recommended that the confirmation email be sent 5-7 days prior to your event.  If you need help sending out your confirmation email, please contact Ellen Fenstad.

What are the event coordinator's responsibilities on the day of the event?

Arrive at least 30 minutes early to be sure everything is set up as you asked and to greet your first guests.  Welcome new members to the group and make an extra effort to include them.  Check your watch and keep the group on schedule.  This can sometimes be tricky because we tend to be having so much fun, we lose track of time.

If your event includes a meal, get the check from the facility and pass it around asking everyone to cover their selections plus tax and tip.  Count up the money and be sure that the bill is covered.  We rarely have a problem with this but if you are short, ask everyone to contribute an extra dollar or two to make up the difference.

Thank people for coming.

Above all else, as an event coordinator, RELAX AND HAVE FUN ! ! !


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